Is there a secret to financial success?
It's the first "secret", which I felt made an interesting point that does make a lot of sense when you think about it.
Multiple Income Streams
Here's the paragraph:
"The first part of the secret that only rich people know is the setting up of multiple income streams. Not just two or three, but as many as they can find that will allow them to have an accumulated income that will create the substantial amount of money"
Multiple income streams.
Even if each income stream doesn't generate much, if you have enough of them, it could add up to a substantial amount of money.
It also means you have more to fall back on: if one fails, you still have other income streams working for you, whereas if you have only one job and you lose it, you face a much bigger challenge.
Not the only way
It's clearly not the only way: there are many people who have made it with only one income stream, one job at a time, working their way forwards.
However, most of the "famous" entrepreneurs you're likely to hear of do have multiple income streams. In some cases that means multiple companies, in some cases it is that their company has entered multiple markets. In some cases it even means they have one main day job plus various other "side" channels to generating income such as books, advertising appearances, public speaking...
It also rings true with the "passive income" concept that a lot of affiliate marketers are pushing: lots of small sites targeting small niches, on their own don't provide a significant income, but together can generate a solid income.
How many income streams do you have?
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