Friday, 1 January 2010

Don't Ask Too Many People First...

Ever had a really great idea, that you're sure will work, but are concerned people won't agree with it or it could get you in trouble if it doesn't pay off?

It could be that you're concerned that by doing it you're going to make someone else look bad because it should really be them doing it?

Point 2 in the following post is titled "More work. Less talk."

It says:
"...don’t fall into the trap of talking a lot about what you are about to do. I have found that this just makes it harder to do it. And it can get you stuck in analysis paralysis mode for months as you argue about stuff that is probably irrelevant with other people or just in your own head. Plus, you don’t know much until you do and get some real experience.

So just do stuff. Learn from your failures. Do again.

A week of good work is worth more than a trillion theories that are never put into practice."

Just do it

It is often important to ensure certain people are on board with, or at least aware of, your plans before you go ahead with them.

However, sometimes you're better off just getting on with things and doing whatever it is you want to do.

Sometimes the element of surprise actually works in your favour and you avoid any resistance because it's a success before anyone can put a stop to it - and it's difficult to argue with an established success.

I've been in situations where people have advised strongly against something just because they don't believe I can pull it off - but often these are the most satisfying successes when you get to prove people wrong!

Don't let "asking for permission" be an excuse to procrastinate. If you know it's the right thing to do, just do it!

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