Thursday, 24 December 2009

Christmas Eve, 2009

Merry the-day-before-Christmas!

It's a time for giving, so an article like the following fits quite nicely:

Even if you're not religious, Christmas is a great time where people are generally that bit nicer to each other, a bit more positive and happy, and give presents to one-another.

If we could keep that mindset of thinking of others before ourselves and giving not taking (and at Christmas not just thinking about what we're going to receive and the inevitable food and drink), the world would be a better place.

The more you give, the more people will give you back - and the more genuinely you do it, the better the results. i.e. if you're a genuinely nice person, who gives without expecting to receive, you will get what you deserve in return, even if it doesn't appear in the way you expected it or when you expected it.

So - give to give, not to receive, and enjoy the act of giving. Anything you get in return will just be a bonus on top.

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