Thursday, 24 December 2009

We Have Complete Control Over What Success Is

The following article suggests that "All situations that are mutually beneficial define Success":

Whilst I do agree that mutually beneficial scenarios are generally successful from my perspective, what this seems to miss is that we define our own successes.

They are successful to me because I believe them to be successful.

i.e. to some people, if they "win" and others "lose", this is success to them.

In the long term, win-win scenarios are generally better because it usually leads to building a relationship with the other person involved in an interaction, leading to future successes that make the initial success even more pivotal - but "success" is a subjective thing.

It's all down to our perception of a situation.

The great thing is, we have control over our own perception of success. If we enter a negotiation or interaction with a conscious decision on what a successful outcome will look like, as long as we define it in the right way, we will be able to achieve it.

The conscious choice is how we take control of our own lives.

Make it your choice for your life to be a success and you can make it that way.

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