Sunday, 27 December 2009

Create Lots of Little Successes To Maintain Momentum

The most common cause for failing to finish a task or a programme of activity is due to a lack of visible results.

This is the same reason people often don't stick to things. If we can't see the benefits - and right now - why carry on? Surely it's a sign that it's not working?

However, the minute you can see any tangible benefit from an activity interest picks up again.

The trick is to create lots of little successes that maintain interest and momentum. These "successes" can still be fairly intangible: it's all about "creating" them in the right way.

Breaking it down

Creating the feeling of success can be fairly easy - although it's largely down to creating the perception of success, i.e. convincing yourself and others that whatever it is you're doing is going well, based on "evidence" you've gathered as you've progressed.

A few simple steps to follow to help with this:

  1. Break the task down into smaller bits
  2. Work out how you will know when you have completed one of these bits
  3. See every bit of progress as a mini-success. It is all a step in the right direction.
  4. Reflect on progress regularly. Look at what you have done and achieved. Tell people about it!
It may seem like common sense, but if you have a seemingly massive task that you are tackling, it's really worth taking a step back and thinking about how to break it down and what checkpoints you will review progress at along the way. Do give it a go - it really works!

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