Sunday, 20 December 2009

What Everyone In Life Strives For

There are some things in life that almost everyone wants to achieve or do better.

There is great demand for help with these things: so both an opportunity to give and potential commercial opportunities.

What are these things?

The list below is a starting point, adapted from a list of categories that I found on a site selling self-help packages.

In each case you can also add to the end of the sentence words like quicker, better, for longer etc.

  • How can I get fitter / healthier?
  • How can I learn faster?
  • How can I improve my memory?
  • How can I boost energy?
  • How can I generate genius ideas?
  • How can I reduce anxiety?
  • How can I control my dreams?
  • How can I quit [smoking, eating, and other habits]?
  • How can I reduce pain?
  • How can I sleep more soundly?
  • How can I meditate deeply?
  • How can I change mental states?
  • How can I access altered states?
Do any of these ring true with you?

Are there any you would add?

BTW - the site I found the initlal list on was: I can't comment on the quality of the products they sell, I just found their categories useful! If anyone has tried any of their products I would be interested to hear what they think though...

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