Thursday, 24 December 2009

Daily Rubbish: a lesson - 23rd Dec

Three days in to my daily routine, and yesterday I didn't post a "daily rubbish" article.

Ok, so it was the day before Christmas Eve, but the whole point of this routine is that I don't ever miss a day, no matter how busy I am, even if the post is a bit pointless.

There will be another, separate daily rubbish post for today. This is the post to replace yesterday's post.

What I did wrong

#1 error was trying to make the article too good.

The whole point of having the word "rubbish" in the title of my daily rubbish posts, is that they can be completely rubbish, it's just a structure to make sure I do it. Even if I write a post saying "sorry, I don't have enough time to post anything good - here's a link to something else to read that I found useful..." - that would be better than nothing.

I now have another half-finished post, that I'm not happy to post just yet so will not form one of my "daily rubbish" posts.

I will not miss another day.

It made me think about personal development writers in general...

...and how the one thing that often irritates me is the "holier than thou" writing style.

I am not better than you, I am just different. I am better at some thing and not as good at others. This is always going to be true, and if I start becoming too preachy I need to look at my life and realise that even if things are great that is no reason to think that it's better than anyone else's. I am still learning and will continue to learn and that is one of the best things about the journey.

Maybe there's an idea in this for a "proper" article in the future...

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