"The first part of the secret that only rich people know is the setting up of multiple income streams. Not just two or three, but as many as they can find that will allow them to have an accumulated income that will create the substantial amount of money"
Thursday, 31 December 2009
The Secret To Financial Success?
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
If You're New, Shut Up and Listen
How to Use Meetings To Drive Progress and Success
- It provides us with a tighter timescale to work to, increasing our chances of getting it done sooner and decreasing the risk of missing our deadlines
- It creates a feeling of urgency, making us act now instead of putting it off "because we have time"
- It sets expectations with someone whose opinion we care about, increasing the stakes for success and failure
- It gives us more time, enabling us to increase the quality of our output or to get it done earlier
- It gives us a chance to get input early, to be able to adjust our approach so we can "get it right" based on people's feedback
- Choosing a date that will push you to get the job done quicker
- Choosing the right person to attend the meeting to increase your drive to succeed
- Actually following through to (1) getting the work done and (2) actually run the meeting when you said you'd run it (i.e. never postpone - it's better to go in there less prepared but still get the input/support/guidance - or less positive feedback - than to postpone and risk missing out on valuable feedback or reduce the amount of effort you put in so that you increase your risks of missing the overall deadline)
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Avoiding Goal Overkill
"Now, I'm not going to ask you what you want from life. I'm not going to ask you to list your assets as they are now and then make a second list showing what you'd like them to be a year from now, five years from now... and so on. We don't need to go through all that "pipe dream success bookkeeping" you find in most self-help books."
- Present job title
- Present weekly income
- Job title, 45 weeks from now
- Weekly income, 45 weeks from now
"...If you have improved your job title and your weekly income as much as I think you've indicated on that private memo to yourself then all the material things you want will come your way."
Posting Now, Not Later
- Keeping the "level" of communication consistent
- Ensuring the frequency of communication is consistent (reducing the risk of lack of time)
- Avoiding blocking the creative process for the purpose of keeping to a schedule
- Enabling better forward planning for the release of content
A Few Success Tracker Tools (available online)
A Fantastic Year (2009)
- Got married! Fantastic wedding - lots of family and friends, went really well, both of us really enjoyed it.
- Fantastic honeymoon! Two weeks in Jamaica - great hotel, delicious food, lots of really good, fun excursions.
- Awesome new bathroom! Including a great power shower. After three years of suffering the old shower, it's brilliant.
- My wife got a new car! It's taken a while to get there, but we got the car she wanted and is very happy with it.
- Massive success at work! I'm particularly happy to have successfully managed the delivery of a very big (and very challenging) enterprise architecture project for a major telco. Very hard work but well worth the pain - learnt a lot and it was a massive success.
- Started this blog! More to the point - started putting some real structure around my personal development efforts (this blog is only one small part of it), and am already seeing some great results.
- More time at home! I've been spending a lot of time working away from home recently due to my current assignment - not great for a recently married man. Worth it for the assignment, but I need to redress that work/life balance.
- More exercise and better diet! i.e. any exercise at all would be a good starting point, as the past few months have been very unhealthy. Being away from home so much means lots of meals that are bought for convenient rather than health value but there is always time to do better.
- More effort on our social life! It's actually been a good year socially, but it still could have been a *lot* better. A lot of the social improvements this year have been one-off events putting us back in touch with old friends, plus my social life has been far better at work as well. The main thing for me will be a better and more regular social life at home and with my wife.
- Environmental improvements! e.g. even small efforts at home that will make a big difference over time (e.g. maintenance efforts on the house, the cars etc.) Also more efforts on more general environmental improvements (recycling etc.)
Everything Is a Project
For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Monday, 28 December 2009
The Greatest Personal Development Books In The World?...
For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Create Lots of Little Successes To Maintain Momentum
- Break the task down into smaller bits
- Work out how you will know when you have completed one of these bits
- See every bit of progress as a mini-success. It is all a step in the right direction.
- Reflect on progress regularly. Look at what you have done and achieved. Tell people about it!
Friday, 25 December 2009
Week-By-Week Personal Development Plan
Merry Christmas 2009!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
We Have Complete Control Over What Success Is
Christmas Eve, 2009
Daily Rubbish: a lesson - 23rd Dec
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Capability vs. Experience: Does Age Matter?

- More experienced people - especially more experienced people telling stories. Some people find it irritating when people keep recounting things they've done in the past. I recommend you listen before criticising, you might pick something up!
- Reading! - books, blogs, magazines, project reports... whatever works for you. Reading about other people's approaches, both academic methodologies and "real" case studies, is a great way to find out about how others have approached the same challenges that you are currently facing, the pitfalls to avoid and key things to do to succeed.
- Other people's mistakes - which can be picked up both through the above two sources, and from encountering them first-hand. It's far better to learn through other's mistakes than your own, and through reading you can pick up far more lessons than you would be able to through your own experience (because experiencing things takes time and opportunity!)
- Your own experiences - this is an obvious one, but it's still one of the most important. The above are all ways to fast-track learning, but your own experiences will stay with you and can be far more effective than the others. It may be more painful, but if you make a mistake, you're far more likely to remember to avoid it in the future (especially if it was particularly painful to resolve).
Sunday, 20 December 2009
What Everyone In Life Strives For
There is great demand for help with these things: so both an opportunity to give and potential commercial opportunities.
What are these things?
The list below is a starting point, adapted from a list of categories that I found on a site selling self-help packages.
In each case you can also add to the end of the sentence words like quicker, better, for longer etc.
- How can I get fitter / healthier?
- How can I learn faster?
- How can I improve my memory?
- How can I boost energy?
- How can I generate genius ideas?
- How can I reduce anxiety?
- How can I control my dreams?
- How can I quit [smoking, eating, and other habits]?
- How can I reduce pain?
- How can I sleep more soundly?
- How can I meditate deeply?
- How can I change mental states?
- How can I access altered states?
Concrete Goals Tracker
Big plans, small actions - lots of little updates on the way...
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Ultimate Knowledge Management (KM) Resources List
- Knowledge Management Overviews
- General KM sites and articles
- KM Quick Wins
- KM Business Cases
- Knowledge Audits
- KM Strategy
- Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture
- Operational and Continuously Improving KM
- KM Books Lists
- KM Books
- KM White Papers and Research
- KM training courses and certifications
- Knowledge sharing in the new KM
- APQC KM "Road Map to Results" (one page poster)
- ABC of Knowledge Management
- HDI KM Approach
- Knowledge Management Review 2004
- An Illustrated Guide to KM
- KM Maturity Model (reference model for assessment)
- Implementing KM
- Process-based approach
- "Pragmatic approaches" article
- Know-Net.Org KM Methodology
- The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge
- Learning to Fly by Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell
- Communities of Practice by Etienne Wenger
- The Social Life of Information by John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid (Harvard)
- The Knowledge-creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation by Ikujiro Nonaka and Hiro Takeuchi (Oxford)
- Harvard Business Review on Knowledge Management (Harvard Business Review) - an excellent primer containing seminal essays
- The Reflective Practitioner by Donald A. Schon
Sunday, 28 June 2009
The Importance Of Integrity
More Personal Development Categories
- My body
- Self-image
- Relaxation
- Nutrition
- Sexuality
- Energy
- Appearance
- My environment
- Living
- Transportation
- Material
- Neighbourhood
- Workplace
- Nature
- My mind
- Reasoning
- Self-esteem
- Perseverance
- Culture
- Security
- Ambition
- My spirit
- Beliefs
- Creativity
- Peace
- Reflection
- Mood
- Meaning
- My relationships
- Friendship
- Love
- Family
- Recognition
- Affirmation
- Communication
- My accomplishments
- Finances
- Altruism
- Occupation
- Leisure
- Achievements
- Planning
Affiliate Marketing Awesomness
How To Find Your Niche Market
- The unemployed, homeless and/or bankrupt. There's just simply no money in this niche.
- Children. Again, children generally do not have any money - so if this niche is chosen it either needs to be aimed at (a) getting the children to get their parents to buy things for them or (b) aimed at the parents themselves, not the children.
- Students. Unless you're selling essentials, this market generally does not have any money either. There are more exceptions in this case than others, as there are some things students will spend money on, and targeting them via universities can be effective, but it is generally not as lucrative a market as most. As with children, it can be worth targeting parents.
- What do you want / desire? (There will be others out there who want the same things)
- What are your constraints / what is holding you back? (Helps if the marketing messages empathise with these things, and breaking through them could also be a selling point)
- What are your interests / hobbies? (If you're interested in something then others will be, and (a) will be easier to empathise with them Asand (b) you already have knowledge to build on)
- What are your skills? (At work or at home, your existing skills and knowledge may help finding a product to sell or could lead to specific services you could sell)
- Hobbies and sports: sports, movies, games, music, art, electronics, equipment...
- Money: money-making programmes, getting better paid jobs, investment, budgeting and money management...
- Health and beauty: fashion, cosmetics, dieting, weight loss & gain, body building, vitamins, healthy living...
- Love and sex: finding a partner, dating, relationships, flowers, chocolates, jewelery, greetings cards, gifts...
- Children, pets and family: toys, presents, gardening and diy tools...
Also think about current concerns and market trends. What are people's hopes and fears? What can you do to help with them? Is there something already out there that you can provide your own unique spin on?
Remember that a niche is a subset of another wider market, so if there is a particular area you are already interested in there will almost always be demand for some new product or service, or a more targeted version of an existing one, for a smaller part of the overall market.
Have you found your niche?
Quantity Over Quality Will Lead To Success
- The more you do of something, the better you will get at it;
- The more you do in a shorter timeframe, the more mistakes you will make, and the more you will learn (not just about that task, but in general: sometimes the lessons you learn can be surprising and the only way you will experience them is through taking action);
- The shorter the timeframe, the smaller the impact of mistakes;
- The faster you get things out of the door, the sooner you will receive feedback on how you can make it better and the more time you will have to build those changes in;
- The sooner you have something tangible, the easier it is to understand, to communicate what you are trying to achieve and to realise the benefits of the work. This principle is echoed in various agile development methodologies.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
How to Fit Blogging Around Your Day Job
Monday, 22 June 2009
My Blogging Integrity Promise
Why AdSense Sucks and Why I Use It Anyway
- Pushing people away: Every time someone clicks on an Ad, it's taking them away from the site - so some could argue that it's kind of encouraging people to leave, which is not what I want...
- Loss of control: Whilst the Ads should be targeted based on the content in the site, I don't have any actual control over them so they will always be advertising things I don't actually endorse;
- Selling out: They take up space on the site and could be seen as "selling out" by users, suggesting my blog is more about making money than delivering high quality content, and detracting from the site's integrity;
- Tricking users for financial gain: Some users who are not web-savvy may be "tricked" into clicking on links, thinking that they are endorsed by me when they're not - which could create a bad impression.
- Quality Content: If the blog is good enough, people will come back. If the site doesn't have good content on it, people will leave and not come back anyway;
- Tailored Content: If the articles are well written and clearly targeted, the Ads should be targeted too; and if they're not, people are not forced to click on them anyway...
- Proof is in the pudding: It will be clear that I have not sold out by the quality of content published. If there are Ads and rubbish content, it's a fair point and people won't come back anyway;
- People are not stupid: First, most web users are bright enough to know a Google Ad when they see one, and second, I would never try to integrate Google Ads to make them look like part of the site to "trick" people: this is unethical;
- It's common: Many sites have AdSense installed now - even some large corporate sites - so it's become a familiar sight and is not off-putting for most people due to that level of familiarity;
- Ads can help people: In some cases, the Ads may actually highlight sites that people are interested in and actually help people get to some content or find some product they were either looking for or didn't realise they needed;
- It doesn't cost users anything: it doesn't actually cost the user anything. If it did I definitely wouldn't put them up there.
Unique Blogging: 5 Top Ways To Add A Personal Touch To All Of Your Blog Posts
- How everything you write is already unique and personal as long as you don't copy it!
- Using commentary to easily create unique, interesting and valuable articles
- Writing a post based on other people's ideas - how to do it and why it's research, not plagiarism (as long as you reference the sources where possible)
- When you realise someone else has already written something on a subject that you thought was a new idea you'd come up with
- Injecting a bit of personality through idiosyncrasies and personal funny-isms