This could actually apply to any "thing" you want to do, for example a hobby (blogging is just one example).
If you're like me, you work long and hard during the week and finding time for anything else that you want to do (never mind writing articles in a blog), can be a real challenge.
However, finding time to do things is, in principle, very easy. The challenge is just taking that step and doing what you know you need to do. It's all about your own personal priorities and the level of commitment and action you are willing to make and take.
So, how do you fit blogging (or whatever you want to do) around your day job?...
1. Don't!
This is the easy way out: just quit.
It's a surefire way to no longer have to worry about how you fit it around your day job.
But is it really what you want to do? If not, then taking this easy way out is not the way to go. If you want to do something enough, you will find a way of doing it.
So, option 2 is...
2. Don't!
Only do it at weekends and during holidays!
Ok, so this is kind of fitting it round your day job - but by this I mean don't worry about it during the week: work your hours, do your thing at work, then use your spare time to do the things you want to do (like writing your posts).
Still not happy?
Ok, in that case...
3. Don't!
Fit your job around blogging (or whatever), not the other way round!
This is a mindset change. It means that you've decided that whatever it is that you want to do (your hobby/blogging/social activity etc) is important enough to make sure it happens.
This means you need to do it regardless of work. You can make this happen: it's just a case of priorities.
If you ever say "but I've got to stay late to get this done..." - actually, you don't. There will be consequences of not getting it done, yes, but it's still your choice. In most cases, it will not be the end of the world. Also, once you start making time for your activity, and people start recognising that you do this, it becomes less and less of an issue. People accept it, life goes on and you get to do the thing you want to do.
Still not good enough? Time for extreme measures...
4. Don't
Quit your job!
Ok, this is the least likely option unless you can make money out of whatever it is you're doing, but remember that it is always an option. You are in control and it's just your own risk aversion that's stopping you take that step. Who knows, making that jump could lead to some new and unexpected opportunities that are more than worth your while. The question is, how much do you want it?
5. Try but fail
Finally, this is the most common one that people fall into and should be avoided above and beyond all of the above. It is a failure because it is the one option where we did not make the choice. It is the scenario where we have convinced ourselves we want to do something but have not taken sufficient action to make it happen.
You need to commit to make a difference. A decision needs to be made, a choice of direction.
Is there something you want to do that you've been putting off? Do you really want to do it? Take that first step today!
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