Saturday 9 January 2010

Available Online For Free - The Science of Getting Rich - A Self Help Classic

"The Science of Getting Rich" is one of those timeless self-help classics along with the likes of "Think And Grow Rich" and "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin".

The principles it promotes are as valid today as they were back then. Whilst some people may criticise it for its "pyscho-babble" (being all about acquiring wealth through creative thought and the "law of attraction"), and for its complete focus on obtaining financial riches rather than general personal development, if you do give it a chance, it does have some great, thought-provoking ideas in there - and it's short and to the point so at least worth a go!

Read it for free

The book accessible for free online at the following site:

If you're like me and prefer to have a book to read, you can get it from Amazon (links below) - but the great thing about it being online is that it's available for you to check out beforehand and confirm whether or not you want to buy it.

A load of other free books

All of James Allen's books are also available online at the same site: - thanks to whoever it was that posted the comment on my post the other day to let me know about this (Fantastic - 101 FREE Self-Help Books To Download).

Buying the books

These books are of course also available on Amazon - below are direct links to some of them for quick access if you are interested:


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For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:

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