Wednesday, 1 September 2010
A Simple Way To Boost The Effectiveness Of Visualisations (or "Envisualisations")
Monday, 30 August 2010
An All-New Term For Visualisation
Sunday, 29 August 2010
The Key To Success: Cross-Train!
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Free Online: "The Secret" Video
- On Amazon.CO.UK here: (click here to see The Secret (Extended Edition) [DVD] [2006] on, or
- On Amazon.COM here: (click here to see The Secret (Extended Edition) on
Friday, 27 August 2010
Thanks For Your Messages of Support: I Am Back
- A great pay rise and bonus, above my expectations
- I have taken on a couple of new roles at work and am now presented with more opportunities than I could possibly pursue, so I am able to pick and choose
- My wife is expecting our first son, due to be born in November (we were previously told that she might have trouble conceiving)
- People have been very generous in offering us various good quality baby furniture and toys to get us started
- We have found a great house that would previously have been out of our range, have sold our house and will be moving in over the next month
- There have been various great social events with friends and family that I haven't seen in a long time, including a stag do and wedding that were both brilliant
- ...and quite a bit more - and very recently I had another breakthrough that makes all of these things seem like very small steps in comparison...
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Action Without Direction Is Better Than No Action
Saturday, 6 February 2010
End Every Day With A Success
One Way To Never Break A Routine
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Free Online Self-Tests
- Solve Your Problem "Self Discovery" Quizzes (described as "Fast, Fun, and best of all Free!" - a bit of fun, covering a mix of topics, with some light advice after you've completed each one): - Fun Education "Self Discover" Tests (some are aimed at kids, but there are career development ones too. The tests are interactive and quite long): - Leadership and Motivation Training assessment tools (there are a range of self-assessments on this site. They are not dynamic i.e. they are PDF files that you can download, but they are quite comprehensive and cover a good range of areas, mainly focussed on leadership): - Cynthia Wall's self-tests (not interactive - just a set of exercises you can do offline):
For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Something Different In Personal Development
- They include specific, real-life examples. They're not just a load of theoretical text regurgitated from a psychology textbook, they include stories on how the ideas were applied and how they worked in real life to the author or to someone else specific.
- They provide extra ideas or commentary that extend the original concepts
- They condense or re-present the ideas in a far more interesting, accessible and understandable way that more people can relate to
- They provide exercises that you can do yourself
- They provide new tools or templates to use in your own personal development
Identifying Your Style of Influencing - Free Self-Test Tool - Available Here First

For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Friday, 15 January 2010
Your Style of Tackling Tricky People - Free Self-Test Tool - Available Here First

For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Measuring Your Political Skill - Free Self-Test Tool - Available Here First
Download it here: 2-2 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Political Skill

The purpose of the self-test is to provide an indicative measure of your own political skill and to identify areas for improvement.
Instructions on how to use it are included in the spreadsheet.
Download it, have a go, and let me know what you think. I hope you find it useful.
For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Identifying Politics Where You Work - Free Self-Test Tool - Available Here First

For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Available Online For Free - The Science of Getting Rich - A Self Help Classic
For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Establishing Your Values - Free Self-Test Tool - Available Here First

For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
New Personal Development Book Stores

Free Self-Assessment Tools - Adapted From The Ultimate Career Success Workbook: Tests and Exercises to Assess Your Skills and Potential!
- establish your career priorities
- bulk up your CV
- measure your skills
- deal with office politics
- move up in management
- negotiate a big pay rise
- learn to network
- change your career track
- 1-1 - Self-Test - Establishing Your Values
- 2-1 - Self-Test - Identifying Politics Where You Work
- 2-2 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Political Skill
- 2-3 - Self-Test - Your Style of Tackling Tricky People
- 3-1 - Self-Test - Identifying Your Style of Influencing
- 4-1 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Core Competencies
- 5-1 - Self-Test - Understanding Your Organizational Effectiveness
- 6-1 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Readiness for Management
- 6-3 - Self-Test - Distinguishing Leadership from Managership
- 7-1 - Self-Test - Understanding Your Personality Type
- 8-1 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Work/Life Balance
- 8-4 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Work Discipline
- 9-1 - Self-Test - Evaluating Your Negotiating Effectiveness
- 10-2 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Work Dissatisfaction Levels
- 11-1 - Self-Test - Measuring Your Networking Skills
Friday, 8 January 2010
Great Free Online Tools

- Leadership skills
- Problem solving
- Decision making
- Project management
- Practical creativity
- Time management
- Stress management
- Information skills
- Communication skills
- Memory improvement

Thursday, 7 January 2010
PopURLs - What's Hot Now
Fantastic - 100 FREE Self-Help Books To Download!
- 10 Essential Key To Personal Effectiveness.pdf
- 10 Life Changing Technologies.pdf
- 100 Action Principles - By Bill Fitzpatrick.pdf
- 101 Golden Keys To Success And Fullfillment In Life.exe
- 101 Things I've Learn In My 50 Trips Arond The Sun.pdf
- 12 Dirty Habits That Prevent You From Developing Exceptional People Skill.pdf
- 18 Powerful Words And Their Usage - Kenrick Cleveland.pdf
- 21 Success Secrets - Brian Tracy.pdf
- 38 Ways To Win An Argument.pdf
- 50 Self-Help Classics - 50 Inspirational Books To Transform Your Life.pdf
- 7 Little Known Success Secrets Of The Rich And Famous.pdf
- 7 Part Affirmations.exe
- 9 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Any Book.doc
- A Guide For Creative Thinking By Brian Tracy.pdf
- Abcs Of A Successful Selling Career - Tom Hopkins.pdf
- Acres Of Diamonds - Russell Conwell.pdf
- Amacom.Time Power.pdf
- Anthony Robbins - Personal Power Ii.pdf
- As A Man Thinketh - James Allen.pdf
- Be A Successfull Consultant - An Insider Guide To Setting Up And Running A Consultancy Practice.pdf
- Best Of Jim Rohn.doc
- Boc Proctor - Making The Impossible Possible.pdf
- Brian Tracy - The-Keys-To-Self-Acceptance.pdf
- Brian Tracy - Thinking Big.doc
- Buzan, Tony - Speed Memory.pdf
- Buzan, Tony - Super Creativity.pdf
- Buzan, Tony - Use Your Head.pdf
- Buzan, Tony - Use Your Memory.pdf
- Can You Believe It - Vic Johnson.pdf
- Career - Career Warfare 10 Rules For Building A Successful Personal Brand And Fighting To Keep It...
- Career - Resilience At Work How To Succeed No Matter What.pdf
- Charles Faulkner - Creating Irresistible Influence.pdf
- Charles Faulkner - Metaphors Of Identity Booklet.pdf
- Charles Faulkner & Steve Andreas - Nlp The New Technology Of Achievement.pdf
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- Jossey-Bass Dont Give Me That Attitude 24 Rude Selfish Insensitive Things Kids Do And How To Stop...
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- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates - 2004 - Experiments With People Revelations From Social Psychology -...
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- Non Verbal Communication.pdf
- Principles Of Success - Brian Tracy.pdf
- Roger Love - Set Your Voice Free.pdf
- Russ Kick 50 Things Youre Not Supposed To Know Ebook-Een.pdf
- Say It Right The First Time.pdf
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- Shad Helmstetter - What To Say When You Talk To Your Self.pdf
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- The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Get Yourself To Achieve Anything Despite Pressure, Deadlines, And Pro...
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- The Gentle Art Of Verbal Self-Defence - Suzette Elgin.doc
- The New Nlp - Abundance.doc
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- The Science Of Getting Rich - Wallace D Wattles.pdf
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- The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook.pdf
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- Time Power By Brian Tracy.pdf
- Tips For Increasing Reading Speed.pdf
- Tony.Buzan.-.Use.Your.Memory.pdf
- Turbocoach A Powerful System For Achieving Breakthrough Career Success.pdf
- What Smart People Do When Dumb Things Happen At Work.chm
- Who Am I A Book That Will Change Your Life .....pdf
- Who's Pulling Your Strings (How To Break The Cycle Of Manipulation And Regain Control Of Your Lif...
- Wiley Create Your Own Future How To Master The 12 Critical Factors Of Unlimited Success.pdf
- Wiley,.How.To.Feed.Friends.And.Influence.People.(2005).Yyepg.Lotb.pdf
- Winning Attitude.pdf
- Working Identity Unconventional Strategies For Reinventing Your Career - Harvard Business School.chm
- Working Peoplesmart 6 - Strategies For Success.chm
- Your Forces And How To Use Them - Christian Larson.pdf
- Zig Ziglar - Goals Pro Chart.pdf
- Zig Ziglar - Self-Talk.pdf
For loads of great personal development and self-help books for business and personal success, check out one of these tailored book stores:
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
How To Stick To ANY New Habit, Resolution Or Routine
- Think progress, not perfection
- Set up a scheduled review
- Conquer huge backlogs with a DMZ or half-life approach
- Make it into a geeky game
- Utilize public shame
- Use a timer
- Pick only one actual resolution
- Create a reminder network
- Distract yourself at the moment of temptation
- Roll 12 habits into one resolution
- Attention to small steps
- Discipline
- Having a destination in mind
- Constantly switching from big picture to small picture
- Support
- Leaving behind limiting beliefs
- Encompassing valued traits
- Appreciation
- Reason #1 Vague, Unspecific Goals;
Solution: Get Clear on What You Want - Reason #2: Lack of Consistent Focus;
Solution: Focus on What You Want Daily - Reason #3: Interest But Not a Commitment;
Solution: Make a Public Commitment - Reason #4: Lack of Personal Power;
Solution: Take Charge of Your Mind and Take Action
- D-1: Lyved posts that will help your 2010 resolutions: - D-2: Essential Zen Habits of 2009: - D-3: Steve Pavlina's personal development articles archive: - D-3: PluginID 5 Lessons I Won't Forget from 2009:
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
New Year Is an Awesome Time Of Year For Inspiration
Why You Don't Need Inspiration To Write
- Start with a word
- Write about how it feels not to be able to write
- Have a conversation
- Read something you hate
- Warm up
- Make lists
- Switch to something harder
- Run like hell
- Whiskey
- Rummage your scrap pile