Monday, 30 August 2010

An All-New Term For Visualisation

A slip of the tongue from my wife has created a brilliant, all-new term for visualisation. I'm hoping it will catch on...

What is visualisation?

For the uninitiated, put simply, visualisation is a technique whereby you create an experience that you want to have in your mind.

In some cases this experience is something you have already done, so visualisation can be seen as "mental rehearsal". For this, there is a lot of evidence that rehearsing an experience in your mind, for example successfully shooting a basketball hoop, can significantly improve your performance in that experience in reality.

In other cases, the visualisation may be of something that you have not yet experienced but want to experience in the future. This is actually something that most people do without even realising it, to some degree. For example, an artist will have some idea in their mind of what they are going to create; no matter what you do, you will have some kind of vision of what success looks like before you do it.

Visualisation in everyday life

Another example that you may be more familiar with could be driving into town: you know that you are going to take the car and that you will end up in town. You probably have some kind of idea of the route you will take, where you will park, and so on. This idea of the route and end destination may appear to you as images - even if just momentarily and without you really thinking about it, because it is so natural to do. Visualisation takes this a step further and is the conscious act of thinking through what you are going to do. Some people refer to it as a mental movie that you play to yourself.

There are various theories about the impact of visualisation, ranging from the idea that visualisation is just a way of planning and preparing but not much more, to the more extreme beliefs such as those expressed in films like "The Secret" and in books on the use of the subconscious, which suggest that just by thinking something we can manifest them in reality, and by visualising and end result your subconscious, or even the universe itself, will bend to make it happen.

The new term: Envisualise!

My wife has been talking about what we are going to do to the rooms in our new home and something she always does is to build a vision of what the new room will look like: colours, furniture, patterns and so on. It's the way she's always approached this kind of thing and has never read anything on visualisation or any similar techniques (although she may have heard a term or two like this from me).

She often talks about how she envisages the room and what her vision looks like. Recently, she said to me that it was how she had "envisualised" it. It made us both laugh, but actually I think it's a great term. It's a cross between envisage and visualise: it's the union and evolution of the two techniques.


I hope you enjoy this new word and start using it to describe your envisualisations from now on!

Sunday, 29 August 2010

The Key To Success: Cross-Train!

There is no single way to achieve success in life and there is no "right" or "wrong" path.

Some people seem to be able to achieve all of their goals in an effortless way while others work hard for many years to get there.

There are many books, videos, seminars, courses and other different forms of advice available on subjects of personal development and on specific skills, but which ones should you go on? Should you even bother or can you achieve all of your goals without looking to others for help?

Well, there are people through the ages who have been massively successful without going on any courses. They worked it out themselves - and you could too.

Accelerate the learning process

However, the great benefit of learning from others is that it accelerates the learning process. It is one of the primary reasons for the human species: the ability to pass on knowledge from one generation to another; the ability for us to learn from others to build our capabilities and to avoid repeating mistakes.

I personally am constantly reading and learning. Every experience in my life - no matter how mundane - is an opportunity to enjoy life and to learn something. Even if the learning is simply building on something you already know, it is still all experience.

Multiple "right" answers

There are many people claiming to have "the answer". A lot of these "answers" are quite different approaches to the same thing; many more are re-packaged or re-worded versions of the same approach, with a slightly different spin.

In my experience, many of these "answers" can have some truth in them and can provide some extra insight that will help you.

The most important thing is to evaluate techniques and use your own intelligence in deciding what you are going to take away from them. How does what these techniques provide build on your own view on the world? What additional value does it bring, how will it help you do something better or avoid doing something that is not as constructive as it could be?

At the same time, everything must be taken with a pinch of salt. Many of the people selling these thoughts are very good marketers and will try to convince you that their way is the only way and the right way. Buy their products and you will achieve ultimate enlightenment and a long and happy fulfilled life!

Take the best bits but don't be brainwashed by this way of thinking. We as human being create models to help us better understand the world and to be able to deal with things, but they are only models: only approximations for us to understand and do things that would be beyond our capabilities without these simplifications.

Why cross-training is so important

We all learn in very different ways and getting lots of different perspectives is a very constructive thing to do as it exposes us to alternative ways of understanding things that may be more in tune with our learning style. It can also "fill the gaps" in the jigsaw of our understanding such that we are able to achieve an even greater insight than even the people who are providing the advice.

If we just look at one way of doing something, we will never be able to achieve this insight.

When I talk about cross-training, I'm not just talking about personal development/self help approaches. I'm talking about everything: relationships, work, technologies, hobbies; academic and practical; subjective and objective.

At work, I often make use of skills that I have picked up from widely different areas of study and experience. It is the fact that I apply this range of skills and continuously build my skills that makes me so effective. Specialism and depth of knowledge is extremely useful, but without the ability to apply it using the range of other skills that we have at our disposal our expertise would remain a blunt instrument.

In the world of personal development, there are loads of different theories and approaches and it really is worth considering a variety of them - even things that may seem dubious to you at first: it was actually a very "fluffy", almost "spiritual" book that I read that had the most profound and constructive impact on me, even though I don't believe all of its pseudo-science, many of the techniques and ideas suddenly made a lot of what I had read in the past fall in to place, and by putting them into effect I have experienced a radical change.

So - cross train and become as rounded an individual as you can be. It really could make the difference in terms of both the amount of success that you experience and in the speed at which you experience it!

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Free Online: "The Secret" Video

I just stumbled across a full version of "The Secret" online and the link is below.

I'm not sure whether it's supposed to be up there (it's on some Chinese site) - but I've just watched it and it is a full version in English with Chinese subtitles.

Whether you believe all of the "science" (or pseudo-science) or not, it has some interesting ideas and there is a lot of evidence to support the value of techniques such as visualisation: even if you don't believe the "reasons" behind the theories, I've put a lot of these concepts into action and can confirm that they really have worked for me.

Hope you enjoy. It's good enough that I've decided to buy the DVD for a friend of mine to watch as I think they could really benefit from it. You can find the DVD:
Let me know what you think!

Friday, 27 August 2010

Thanks For Your Messages of Support: I Am Back

Many thanks to all of you who have sent me messages encouraging me to continue blogging. To be honest, I didn't realise so many people were reading and am returning because of this support.

It's been over 6 months since my last post, but it has been an amazingly busy and successful 6 months. I have learnt a huge amount and have far more useful insights to share than before. I have also continued to write (as I originally committed to myself that I would) - albeit not on this blog.

This is just an initial post to let everyone know that I am returning and my first proper posts will start appearing over the next few days - so watch this space.

The best thing for me is that all of the work on personal development is really paying off - but at times in ways I didn't expect - so there are various things I can share on that front.

Great things that have happened in my life over the past few months (and are continuing to get better) include:
  • A great pay rise and bonus, above my expectations
  • I have taken on a couple of new roles at work and am now presented with more opportunities than I could possibly pursue, so I am able to pick and choose
  • My wife is expecting our first son, due to be born in November (we were previously told that she might have trouble conceiving)
  • People have been very generous in offering us various good quality baby furniture and toys to get us started
  • We have found a great house that would previously have been out of our range, have sold our house and will be moving in over the next month
  • There have been various great social events with friends and family that I haven't seen in a long time, including a stag do and wedding that were both brilliant
  • ...and quite a bit more - and very recently I had another breakthrough that makes all of these things seem like very small steps in comparison...
So, here I am and I'm glad to be back. Please do get in touch if there is anything in particular you would like to hear about and my first posts will follow soon...